A-Je & Nancy Kukaewkasem – Thailand
A-Je and Nancy minister to the Akha tribal people of Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). Along with evangelism, they train pastors and place them in villages that need a church. They founded the Akha Bible Training Center where students live and prepare for ministry in their villages. This Center includes “House of Joy,” home for 100-plus orphaned and neglected children. Their two sons are Zion and Silas.

Salik & Eliana Barkat – Pakistan
Pastor Salik and his team have been holding evangelistic and healing meetings throughout Pakistan, and thousands are making a commitment to Christ. Pastor Salik has been helping with a children’s home, school, and orphanage and has also established a Bible college where dozens of students are being trained to become pastors, evangelists, and ministers of the gospel. This ministry is also reaching thousands throughout Pakistan and other Middle East countries via satellite Christian TV.

Leanna Cinquanta – Northern India
As founder of WIN Ministries, Leanna reaches native believers in India's most needy and persecuted regions. She has catalyzed indigenous movements, rural schools, children’s homes, micro-business programs, and various forms of creative outreach. This cutting-edge ministry gives Thousands hope, salvation, and education.

Yaku & Manju Tamang – Nepal
With hearts to evangelize and pastor Nepali and tribal peoples, Yaku and Manju have grown a house church into a sizable congregation. They are seeing souls saved, delivered and healed in their city! The Tamangs have adopted four children whose parents were killed by Maoists.

Ali & Pervin Kalkandelen – Turkey
For the past 20 years, Ali and Pervin utilized counseling, conferences, TV, radio and other media to introduce biblical concepts. More recently, they've concentrated on founding and leading two urban church associations in Istanbul and are pursuing a vision for a third to allow the Good News to transform lives among the many unreached people in their area!

Marek & Ala Wyrzykowscy – Eastern Europe
Marek and Ala are from Poland and have been with Campus Crusade for Christ in Eastern Europe and Russia since 1990. They train and oversee leaders in a 20-nation region that includes Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, and Slovakia. Their current residence is in Budapest, Hungary.

Curt & Diana Chanda – world outreach
Curtis is the International Director of Global Teams. He has more than two decades of field experience with Frontiers International, an organization that shares Global Teams’ emphasis on reaching unreached people groups and equipping and sending believers from within new movements. Curtis and his wife Diana have spent the last 20 years living and working in a Muslim context in Central Asia, where their three daughters were born. Through God’s grace, they planted the first churches in their area for Muslim believers.

Jerry & Rachel WITT – MEXICO
There are people in the mountains and cities of Mexico who have been forgotten or rejected by society or the church. Living by the motto "Loving the Forgotten," the Witt family loves on them by dedicating time and effort through service, discipleship and leadership training.

Mike & Melissa Mott – Jerusalem
The Motts pastor at King of Kings church in Jerusalem.

Abrie & Natalie Marx – Swaziland
Abrie & Natalie are native South Africans who are running a wonderful ministry in Swaziland, South Africa. They plant churches, make disciples in remote villages, and care for widows and orphans in Mhlosheni and Emayiwane. Abrie has a huge heart for the nations and travels around Africa and Southeast Asia, sharing the Gospel.

Don & Terezinha Ammerman – Brazil
Don and Terezinha minister to the Amazon River people of Brazil. They are on staff at the YWAM base near Manaus and direct the Mount Salem Children’s Shelter, which cares for varying numbers of river children. They have four children of their own.

Victorious Christian Harvesters/David & Donna Blanchard – Mexico/Cuba/El Salvador
Victorious Christian Harvesters is a Latin American ministry with a vision of 10 million Bibles and 10 million souls. Their focus is on winning the lost and training the body of Christ to enter into the harvest fields and taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.

Jason & Anna Holland –World Outreach
Jason serves as the president of Joshua Nations. For the past 19 years, the Hollands have traveled to and ministered in more than 60 nations. They both have a heart to bring hope to the hopeless, peace to the hurting, and encouragement to the body of Christ around the world. They are proud parents of three sons: Amos, Judah, and Marcus.

NIGER Project/Joshua nations – West Africa
Joshua Nations is actively working to reach the final seven unengaged, unreached people groups in Niger, West Africa. Faith is specifically partnering to reach the Malian Tamajeq people. Breakthrough has already been seen in several of the groups, with the first believers and the early stages of a church!

Mission Arvada – Arvada
Mission Arvada helps the poor, homeless, marginalized, and forgotten with the love of Jesus Christ by providing day shelter services, including meals, showers, clothing, and severe weather items. The organization also helps identify clients' deepest needs and connect them to services such as mental health, benefits, legal, medical, dental, housing resources, and many more.

Bryan & Joy Sederwall – Denver Dream Center // Inner City Denver
The Denver Dream Center's mission is to reconnect people who have been isolated by poverty, substance abuse, gangs, imprisonment, homelessness, abuse, and neglect to God and to a community of support. The DDC helps meet these people's physical and spiritual needs while giving them opportunities to develop a support system that fosters positive, long-term, God-honoring changes in their lives.

Jude & Cindy Del Hierro – inner city Denver
Jude and Cindy direct Confluence Ministries, an organization that successfully unites churches and inner-city outreaches to meet spiritual and physical needs in Denver. Using worship concert events as a platform, they also regularly take God’s love to foreign mission fields. Cindy gives training seminars that focus on women’s needs and giftings.

Young life Arvada
Young Life is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school, and college students Our Mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith.